
Don’t Waste Any More Money On Make-Up

Anti-Aging = Preventing Liver Damage

If only you keep your liver healthy, you can rest assured that you will stay healthy and look younger than your age. Break your addiction to expensive cosmetics and stop being deceived by empty promises of healthier skin.

The truth is, if you want beautiful skin all you have to do is follow the simple recipe of an ancient Chinese family business. You see, they have known for generations that liver dysfunction is invariably the source of pre-maturely aging skin. 

Cosmetic companies have state-of-the-art websites, extensive advertising and eye-catching packaging at their disposal.  We are merely a small family business with only this humble blog and a strong moral purpose.

Do you have any uncertainty about skin maintenance?

If so, we are knowledgeable professionals ready to help clear up your confusion.

Do you have any of the following conditions?

Acne, constipation, insomnia, dark spots, fatigue, bad breath, body odor, dry skin, hangover
If so, try our product for some time, and you will enjoy the following benefits:

After   3 days:  Sleep quality improves and time required to fall asleep decreases

After   6 days:  Regularity returns

After   7 days:  Acne is cleared up

After 20 days:  Skin’s moisture level noticeably increases

Between 1 and 2 months:  Dark spots on your skin are lightened

If you continue drinking, you will discover that the condition of your skin reaches an optimal level.
So, maintaining your skin starts from the inside…taking care of your liver.  Drink our tea and you will find that skin beauty and physical health actually go hand-in-hand. 

This line of products embodies the essence of decades of accumulated knowledge of the company’s founder.  It is distinctive from other kinds of herbal tea, as it is composed of 18 carefully-selected herbs infused to perfection in boiling water.  There are no side-effects related to the drinking of this tea, and it won’t harm your intestines, stomach, or kidneys.  The benefits of drinking our tea are evident, helping to raise the body’s ability to heal and revitalize itself, due to the remedial effect it has on the liver.  As a result, the quality of your skin will improve dramatically.  Best of all, these are seen very quickly, making this the tea’s distinguishing feature.  This product has a history of nearly 100 years, during which time it has remained a family secret passed down from generation to generation.  Because of the uniqueness of the recipe, our herbal tea products have been and continue to be unmatched.



1日目 汗の匂いが軽減します。
2日目 寝やすくなる。睡眠の質を改善します。(一部の方は喉の渇きや便秘の症状が出る場合があります)


6日目 便秘が解消されます。この時はオレンジジュースと一緒に飲んでもいいです。
7日目 背中と顔のニキビに効果があらわれます。
8日目 軟便になり始めます。約十日間排泄物がすごく臭うが、肝臓からの毒素排出の現象です。 


2週間後 体内から毒素を排出する現象が続きます。排泄物が臭うほか、排出された毒素によって肌にかぶれが起こることもありますが、肝臓からの毒素排出の現象なので、心配しないでください。女性の帯下病の場合、オリモノが一時黄色くなるが、だんだん免疫力が高まるので、婦人症にも効能があります。


3週後 皮膚炎、ただれなどに効能があらわれます。肌がつるつるになります。 






★當日下午5點前訂購, 24H宅配到府★

買記年輕18歲十八味涼茶訂購及諮詢電話:0800-099889 / 0989-807096 / 07-5377560,客服時間為12:00~22:00全年無休,如客服時間外請發簡訊至我們的手機專線,我們將於上班時間和您聯繫。


◎茶包的內容物完全由本公司自行製造生產(Made in Taiwan),鋁箔外包裝及茶包袋則委託通過HACCP、GMP、ISO22000認証工廠之生化代工包裝分裝廠代為包裝。興豐包裝工廠網址:,敬請安心飲用。






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